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Despite apparently ended animal experiments, some beagle dogs and foxhounds are still kept at the animal facility at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU). We demand that they are set free!

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The HHU is the stronghold of animal experiments in Germany. Our local group in Düsseldorf has been campaigning for years to explain to students more about animal-free methods in the fields of teaching and research. Our goal is the entire abolition of animal experiments in Düsseldorf.

The dogs at the HHU

Since 2018, no more experiments have allegedly been carried out on dogs. The past dog experiments were extremely distressing for the animals. Despite the apparent completion of the experiments, two beagle dogs and seven foxhounds continue to be kept at the university's facilities. We urgently demand that these animals are handed over and placed in suitable private homes. Furthermore, the tests that were hitherto carried out on dogs in the field of dental medicine shall not now be carried out on other animals, like rabbits. The university is to focus solely on non-animal methods in the fields of research and education, including the setting up of a chair for animal-free research methods. 

Uni does not act in the interest of the students and its name giver

By failing to set an example of modern, animal-free research, while actually serving as a stronghold for animal experiments in Germany, the HHU acts against the values of its name giver. The HHU is named after the German poet and author Heinrich Heine. According to its website, the university feels particularly committed to Heinrich Heine’s values of "tolerance, cosmopolitanism, equality and freedom". But this is not compatible with adhering to the outdated system of animal experimentation.

It thereby denies the students a future-oriented education.

Our demands

In the interest of human beings and animals alike, in the interest of all students and patients, and in the interest of all the animals being used in research and teaching, we present the university with the following demands:

  1. All dogs that are currently being kept in the research facilities of the HHU are to be handed over to suitable private persons
  2. No rabbits or other animals shall be used in place of the dogs for dental research
  3. A stop to all animal experiments in research and teaching at the HHU, i.e. a full change to non-animal testing methods, including a chair for animal-free methods.

How to help

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Sign our online petition

For innovative research and education

With my signature I demand:

  1. All dogs currently still at the university’s research facilities to be handed over to suitable private hands
  2. No use of rabbits or other animals instead of dogs for dental research
  3. Stop all animal experiments and use in research and teaching at HHU, i.e. a complete shift to animal-free methods including a chair for animal-free research.

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Short videos

We have summarised the main aspects of our campaign in a number of short videos.

Take a look! >>