What we do
Doctors Against Animal Experiments
‘Medical progress is important - animal experiments are the wrong way!’ This is the motto of Doctors Against Animal Experiments. The German association has been campaigning since 1979 for animal-free research based on the use of modern methods, e.g. with human cell cultures and organ chips, as well as research into the causes and prevention of diseases. The aim is the abolition of all animal experiments and thus an ethically justifiable, human-based medicine - a science that achieves relevant results using modern, animal-free test methods.
Caring for humans and animals
The association Doctors Against Animal Experiments
- supports the immediate abolition of all animal experiments
- is a charitable organization of doctors and scientists who work in the medical field
- was founded in 1979
- is based in Germany and works on a national level
- works with legal means only.
What we want
- The abolition of all animal experiments.
- Increased support of animal-free research.
- Increased research, funding and promotion of prevention of diseases.
What we do
- By providing a research grant (Herbert-Stiller prize), giving scientific lectures and organizing scientific conferences (in German only), we actively support and advance animal-free research
- We provide scientifically based information material on animal experiments (leaflets, brochures, book, videos, website, exhibition) both for doctors and scientists working in the medical field, as well as for the general public.
- With our media work we make the cruel and unscientific nature of animal experiments public.
- Our local groups raise public awareness throughout Germany.
- Our campaigns (in German only) put pressure on responsible authorities, politicians and companies.
- Our website is by far the most comprehensive site on animal experiments in the German speaking area. The German version is constantly updated and provides the latest news, facts, background information on this issue.
- Our internet database (in German only) about animal experiments which have been carried out in Germany is the only of its kind in the world. It demonstrates that animal experiments are cruel and useless - here and today.
- The NAT database (Non-Animal Technologies) gives an overview about animal-free research technologies that are developed all over the world.
- We lobby politicians and legislators on a national and international level.
- With our school project (in German only) we offer information and discussion events for pupils, teachers and parents.
- With our Eastern Europe project we provide animal-free teaching tools to Universities who are willing to replace animal dissections in science lessons.
- We work together with international organizations to influence politics and legislation also on EU level.