Mistreatments of monkeys at the Ernst-Strüngmann-Institute in Frankfurt
- News
- Nele Berndt
Doctors Against Animal Experiments (DAAE) file criminal charge against the responsible authority
The organization had already forwarded anonymously received information about abuses at the Ernst-Strüngmann-Institute (ESI) to the responsible authorities in 2023. In 2024, they received new whistleblower information which was also forwarded to the authority. An anonymous source stated that the veterinarian and previous animal welfare officer along with the head of the animal facility had resigned from their positions at the ESI at the end of February. Even though DAAE reported this highly important information, the authorities did not revoke the animal housing and animal experimentation permits. Therefore, DAAE filed a criminal charge against the authority.
In February 2023, DAAE had already reported anonymously received information to the Darmstadt administrative authorities about abuses that indicated serious animal welfare violations in primate husbandry at the Ernst-Strüngmann-Institute (ESI) in Frankfurt. Primates were kept in solitary confinement for years and suffered from excessive thirst. The monkeys only get a few drops of fluid when they are actively used in experiments as compensation for their “cooperation”. The animals in question were not used in experiments and were thus unable to quench their thirst. The duration of the severely invasive skull operations the animals had to undergo indicate that they were performed by an incompetent surgeon.
After initially vehemently denying the abuses, the Ministry of Science admitted in July 2023, just one day before a press conference attended by DAAE: "The focus of further discussions will be on the complete transparency of procedures, the immediate ending of mistreatments, and the necessary consequences." As no information has been provided since then as to whether the mistreatments have been eliminated despite several inquiries, DAAE assumes that they persist.
The association has now received new whistleblower information, according to which both the animal house manager and the animal welfare officer with expertise in primates resigned from their positions at the ESI months ago. These job vacancies were not filled in accordance with the law. This information was also passed on to the authorities, but they did not respond. The existing husbandry and animal testing permits should have been revoked immediately, as the legal requirements for keeping primates are not met.
"The legal requirements for animal welfare officers in animal testing laboratories are very strict as they must be able to provide all other employees with sound advice and knowledge. If a suitable animal welfare officer is not available, the experimentation permit must be revoked immediately," says Nele Berndt, jurist at Doctors Against Animal Experiments.
As the responsible authorities are not fulfilling their task of preventing animal welfare violations despite the information provided, DAAE has now filed a criminal complaint.
"Employees of a licensing authority can be liable to prosecution for cruelty to animals, even if they themselves are not involved in the keeping and care of the animals. The authorities should have intervened long ago. By failing to act, they are violating their duty to protect the animals," explains Nele Berndt.